Ananda Marga is a charitable non-profit organization dedicated to self-realization and service to all. The Center in Flushing, Queens, functions as the Headquarters for the activities of Ananda Marga in all of North and Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands. We offer yoga as a comprehensive spiritual lifestyle training to individuals and communities, including meditation lessons and ásanas (yoga postures) tailored to individual needs, vegetarianism, social service, and a holistic approach to life. Please check our websites and contact us for an appointment to learn more or try a yoga and meditation class. When calling, please leave a voicemail.
Atmananda Yoga Studio is a holistic wellness center that provides vinyasa yoga classes and meditation as well as holistic wellness services to the public.
Owner and founder, Jhon Tamayo, developed the Atmananda Yoga Sequence, which has it’s roots in Iyengar, Hatha and Ashtanga yoga to create a Vinyassa flow.