We’re YOUR women’s gym. At Lucille Roberts, we believe in serving our empowered community with fitness and wellness experiences in a positive, inclusive and fun environment. Constantly innovating to provide the best possible service, we want you to think of Lucille Roberts as a place for generations of strong, sexy, and confident women to call their own.

Inspired by a love of aerobics classes and a dream, Lucille Roberts opened her first gym in 1969. She took what seemed like millions of group aerobics classes before realizing that although the classes were predominantly women, the fitness clubs lacked a specific camaraderie that she craved. A pioneer of female empowerment, Lucille sought to create gyms that fostered a positive environment where women could come together to work out, meet new friends, and get inspired. An inspiration herself, Lucille Roberts was tough both in and out of the gym; rumor has it she would complete sets of curls while on conference calls and challenge coworkers to push up contests on Fridays.