At Bayport CrossFit, our mission is simple! To get you fit and healthy, and we have created a fun way to do so. Most people hear “CrossFit” and get intimidated or associate it with a bad experience at another CrossFit that didn’t quite suit their needs.I am here to tell you that not all CrossFit studios are exact and I can assure you that here at Bayport CrossFit we cater toward the every day person looking to get in great shape. My goal is not to yell or scream at you while you exercise, or push you to do something you’re not comfortable with; but to focus on your form and make sure you’re doing all of the movements correctly while providing encouragement. I can’t tell you how many times one of my clients have called themselves “weak” or have insulted themselves for “not being able” to do something, and then I simply remind them that they could be sitting on the couch.