Divine Light World is dedicated to the achievement of peace – individual, societal, global. Drawn from the ancient Vedic philosophies, we work to enrich the lives of individuals by providing spiritual and social nourishment through our spiritual programs, social initiatives and, developmental workshops.

We are non-denominational, socio-spiritual and non-profitable. It was founded by Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, the Enlightened Master of our time.

Our spiritual journey can begin with an external search and gradually progress to an internal quest by piercing through the layers of physical and metaphysical bodies – Physical, Breath, Mind, Wisdom and Bliss. This allows us to reach the all-encompassing light that we call the Self or Soul. Wherever you are in your journey to the center of your Self, we have the tools and support to help you on your path. Everything we do in life is to be HAPPY, to be able to live life from our Bliss Body – Anandamaya Kosha. In order to conduct our life from the state of Bliss all the rest of the bodies have to be in balance. Live your truest Self by exploring the different ways you can bring balance to the Physical, Breath, Mind and Wisdom bodies